Relieve Foot Blisters With These 7 Natural Remedies

Thanks to their properties, essential oils such as lavender or calendula, and even olive, can help relieve discomfort. decrease the inflammation of the blisters.

Foot blisters are a painful and annoying injury that usually occurs from contact and friction with some types of footwear. These are small pockets of fluid that form in the upper layers of the skin, almost always on the heels, although they can also appear on the sole of the foot and on the toes.

The fluid is usually clear in color, like water, but can sometimes be red if it contains blood, or yellowish green if it becomes infected and filled with pus.

Although they are not classified as a serious health problem, they are quite annoying and often cause pain and itching. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies whose application could speed your recovery, protecting the skin and avoiding infections.

Remedies for foot blisters

On this occasion, we want to reveal 7 good options so that you do not hesitate to apply them when you have the dreaded blisters on your feet. Remember that if you do not get improvement or you suspect an infection, you should see your doctor.

1. Lavender essential oil


In the popular realm, lavender essential oil is a product that has been used, when it comes to skin care, to relieve inflammation. However, it has also been given other similar applications.

Although its medicinal potential is still being reviewed, it appears to help speed up skin recovery for rapid relief of blisters. Its compounds help reduce inflammation in the affected area and provide a protective barrier against bacteria.

How to use?

  1. Take a couple of drops of lavender essential oil and rub it on the blister, twice a day.
  2. Optionally, add the essential oil to warm water and take a foot bath for 20 minutes.
  3. Repeat its application until this condition is alleviated.

2. Olive oil

The moisturizing and regenerating compounds in olive oil make it a good ally in relieving these small bags. It is believed that its application could help reduce inflammation and pain and, incidentally, facilitate the removal of fluid and dead skin.

How to use?

  1. Rub a small amount of olive oil on the affected area and let it absorb, without rinsing.
  2. Repeat its application twice a day, every day.
  3. Apply it on your heels when you want to put on shoes that cause blisters.

3. Apple cider vinegar

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds in apple cider vinegar could be helpful in soothing skin affected by blisters on your feet, according to some hypotheses. In particular, it is considered that its acetic acid content could help relieve inflammation and, incidentally, relieve pain and burning.

How to use?

  1. Dip a cotton ball in organic apple cider vinegar and apply it on the blisters.
  2. Fix it with a bandage and let it work overnight.
  3. Repeat its use every day.

4. Infusion of chamomile

Chamomile infusion is a soothing drink that helps relieve pain and burning, both internally and externally. Its consumption reduces the physical symptoms of blisters and, applied externally, can help the skin to recover.


  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile (10 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).

How to use?

  1. Add a tablespoon of chamomile flowers to boiling water and let it steep for 15 to 20 minutes.
  2. When it is cold, dip a gauze pad in the liquid and apply it on the blisters for 30 minutes.
  3. Repeat its use three times a day, until this problem is alleviated.

5. Calendula oil

Calendula oil: uses, benefits and contraindications.

Calendula oil is a product to which benefits for the skin are attributed, since it alleviates its alterations and prevents the development of visible marks or scars. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that are very useful in the treatment of blisters.

How to use?

  1. Moisten a cotton ball with calendula oil and apply it on the blisters, two or three times a day.
  2. Repeat the treatment until the skin is relieved.

6. Carrot

Carrot pulp could be a great solution against this annoying problem, since it would relieve pain and speed up the recovery of the affected skin tissue. According to beliefs, its application helps reduce the size of the blisters on the feet and, incidentally, provides nutrients to accelerate the healing process.

How to use?

  • Soften a piece of carrot in hot water, then make a thick puree.
  • Apply it on the blisters and let it act for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Rinse and repeat its use every day.

7. Natural yogurt

Natural yogurt is a product that regulates the pH of the skin to prevent the development of infections from problems such as blisters on the feet. Its direct application helps to reduce inflammation of the affected area and, in turn, provides a soothing effect against pain.

How to use?

  • Rub a little plain yogurt on the affected skin and let it absorb, without rinsing.
  • Use it two or three times a day.

As you can see, there are many options to recover in a short time from this common problem in your feet. Choose the remedy that most attracts your attention and use it following the recommendations given to achieve good results. Do not forget to consult your application with your dermatologist.

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