Restore Intestinal Flora Naturally?

Symptoms such as fatigue and a feeling of exhaustion can be some of the effects of poor gut health. Other symptoms of possible intestinal problems are diarrhea, constipation, food allergies, inflammation, or headaches. Therefore, restoring the intestinal flora can help prevent these annoying symptoms. However, in the event of any discomfort or sign of the aforementioned, it is recommended that you go to the doctor.

By intestinal flora we mean the microbial ecosystem that colonizes our gastrointestinal tract. These bacteria play a fundamental role both in the development and in maintaining the balance of the immune system. There is evidence that this intestinal flora may be involved in some pathologies such as multi-organ failure or colon cancer. 

Restores the intestinal flora

Antibiotics can destroy the microorganisms that make up the intestinal flora, because they have the ability to promote very rapid and radical changes in the normal flora, according to medical research.

On the other hand, the probiotic products that are currently marketed are mainly of three types. Among them, studies maintain that fermented foods can contain probiotics, which are consumed, essentially, with the purpose of obtaining additional and necessary nutrients for the body. Among them, we can find yogurts, milk or cheeses.

In addition, a varied and balanced diet, based on the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, will also contribute to maintaining an adequate intestinal flora.

Someone may ask the following question: why does nature favor the development of these harmful organisms?

The answer is very simple, it is a question of numbers. These organisms are present in nature because they promote and benefit other kinds of life different from ours.

To maintain good intestinal health, it is necessary to consume products such as kefir or yogurt (made with raw milk) that provide the necessary probiotics that restores the intestinal flora.

Brewing with raw milk is recommended because it develops strains strong enough to reproduce while fighting unwanted bacteria.

Balance the body’s pH

Apple vinager

The goal is to keep the body at a neutral pH, because too alkaline or too acidic will create an environment conducive to some harmful fungi. The accumulation of acid can also cause joint pain in the head, inflammation and other discomforts.

As is popularly believed, to balance the pH it is very useful to take :

  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice diluted in 350 ml of water.
  • 1 teaspoon of barley powder diluted in 350 ml of water.

More water can be added if the flavor is too strong for you. Very useful pH test strips are available at the pharmacy to determine if the balance is correct. We insist that there is no scientific evidence of this and that it is preferable that you consult with your trusted doctor before unilaterally altering the acidification of your pH.

A healthy diet as the basis of intestinal health

Our gut and its health depend to a great extent on the food we eat. When we regularly eat products such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, seeds and whole grains, we give our body a good base.

In addition, as long as you consult your doctor or nutritionist about the health of your intestinal flora, you will help to stay healthier.

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