The Emotional Benefits Of Yoga

Science confirms that yoga helps us take care of our physical and mental health. Have you ever practiced it?

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of disciplines like yoga in terms of physical health (especially its effects on the muscles, joints and heart), but perhaps not so much about the emotional benefits of yoga. For this reason, we will comment on them in detail below.

Once you know them, surely you dare to give a chance to that class that piqued your curiosity or that video for beginners that you have available on YouTube.

Yoga and emotions

For many, yoga is a way of life, a way to find well-being and inner peace. It involves an observation of the inner self , a disconnection with everything that makes noise and agitates, and a connection with one’s inner world, in an authentic, not superficial way. The latter is what allows us to discern between what is really important and what is not, to act in a coherent way, but above all harmonious and kind to oneself and to the rest of the people.

Now, the main benefits of yoga cover three large areas: body, mind and spirit. For this reason, it not only provides a certain type of well-being, but also provides it in a comprehensive way. In other words, although it works the emotions, it is not limited only to these, but it also works the body, breathing, among other issues that add physical and mental health.

6 ways to improve body posture

Since breathing is integrated with movement (through the performance of various postures) this practice undeniably changes us physically and mentally. It has the ability to stimulate several beneficial processes in the body, such as blood circulation, oxygenation of cells and energy transport. In turn, it helps improve postural hygiene and release emotional tension.

All these benefits are undoubtedly related to an improvement on a mental and emotional level. Thus, yoga is not only good for the body but also for the soul. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is used as a preventive, healing and rehabilitative medicine.

The emotional benefits of yoga

If you are looking for an activity that gives you many advantages on a psychological level, take a look at the list of the emotional benefits of yoga. This will allow you to assess this discipline in greater detail.

1. Brings serenity and peace

Today’s life in cities makes us nervous, restless and irritable.

When we do yoga,  breathing helps us relax, calm down and see things differently. We refine our senses, we better perceive what surrounds us and we reduce fights or confrontations.

By breathing correctly we eliminate our feelings of anger, overwhelm, frustration, restlessness … In short, all those emotions that make us sick and do not allow us to live in harmony with ourselves or with others.

2. Reduce stress

Woman unfolding yoga mat

“Stress”, that word so well known to everyone today exists because of the pace of life we ​​lead. We walk in a hurry, we go from here to there with a frown, we fight with people we don’t even know, we hear noises all the time … Until we get to yoga class and it seems that the world changes completely.

Science has confirmed that practicing this ancient technique reduces levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress. This is not only related to the fact that physical tension is released with the performance of postures, or the fact of breathing at a slower pace or paying attention to the present moment, but rather to the entire set of processes that occur. simultaneously throughout the practice.

3. Increase your self-esteem

Not many people can say “I believe in myself” or “I trust my abilities.” Thanks to yoga we can improve self-esteem, examine ourselves, but without criticizing ourselves, eliminate all those negative thoughts that limit us and fill the mind with ideas that do not allow us to grow.

Undoubtedly, it is a wonderful tool to see everything more clearly, increase vital energy, have confidence in your own abilities and make decisions with greater confidence.

4. Improves the quality of sleep

Melatonin is the hormone responsible for regulating sleep cycles. For its part, the neurotransmitter serotonin has the task of regulating everything from mood to appetite. Both are balanced when we do yoga and, therefore, we can rest better each night.

If you have insomnia, too many nightmares or it is difficult for you to fall asleep, there is nothing more advisable than a yoga session. Try it and you will see how in the morning you will feel totally renewed.

5. Raise intellectual abilities

The practice of this Eastern doctrine improves our abilities to reason, make decisions and think. It also increases the ability to concentrate due to the stillness of the postures and breathing. We can transfer this ability to any daily situation (work, study, etc.) to avoid distractions and have more memory.

6. Improve mood

Everyday problems, bills, traffic, overtime … All of this changes the way we see things and makes us moody, angry and grumpy.

When we do yoga , serotonin levels improve, which prevent depression, anxiety and anger just like any other physical exercise.

7. Optimize the relationship with ourselves

If we are in balance with our body and our mind we can get along with others, get what we want and be happier.

If, on the contrary, we do not forgive ourselves, we look for thousands of defects and we compare ourselves with the rest, the only thing we get is sadness and frustration. Yoga can help people:

  • Be sure of yourself.
  • Improve your emotional management.
  • Regain your mental balance.
  • Find the bright side of things.
  • Keep the good in life.

8. Prevents neurodegenerative diseases

Yoga, in conjunction with meditation, increases the size of structures called telomeres , which, when small, cause early aging, certain pathologies and premature death.

With only 15 minutes a day of either of the two activities we ensure the growth of these structures and, therefore, we can prevent degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Well, are you ready to start reaping the emotional benefits of yoga?

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